The Jean Shanks Foundation (JSF) and the Pathological Society jointly (JSPS) provide funding for a JSPS Clinical Lecturer Support grant that is designed to offer support for continuing research projects over a 2 year period by academic trainee histopathologists following the award of a PhD or MD, when progressing through the final stages of their histopathological training leading up to the award of CCT. Bridging this period from completion of PhD/MD to completion of CCT, the Jean Shanks / Pathological Society (JSPS) joint arrangement offers research support in the form of £50,000 per annum (maximum) funding over a 2 year period, to be used flexibly to fund the costs of employing a research technician or assistant and associated research consumables costs.

Normally, one JSPS Clinical Lecturer Support grant per year will be made available for competitive application.

Application deadline: 1 April

Terms and Conditions of the “Clinical Lecturer Support Grant” are as follows:
The applicant:

  • Must have completed a PhD or MD usually within the preceding 5 years (or as part of a recognised MB-PhD programme),
  • be in a recognised Specialist Trainee (normally ST3 and above) Histopathology programme accredited for the award of a CCT in Histopathology in UK or the equivalent in Eire,
  • demonstrate a sustained commitment to a clinical academic career,
  • should have held a category of membership of the Society for at least 2 years.

The project:

  • should be in a field of tissue-based pathological research appropriate to the aims of the Society,
  • should be a clearly demonstrable progression of the applicant’s research work while not necessarily being in the same field as his/her thesis,
  • should be of sufficient ambition to challenge the applicant.

The host department:

  • should undertake to make suitable infrastructure, laboratory space and equipment available to the applicant for the duration of the award (part B),
  • should undertake to ensure the applicant would have time to combine his/her academic and clinical training,
  • would not be committed to retain the trainee upon completion of this award.

The mentor:

  • will be identified by the applicant to support and advise, but not supervise, the applicant,
  • will write in support of the applicant as part of the application (part C)
  • would normally be in the same department as the applicant, or if elsewhere then a justification will be provided for the mentoring arrangement given,
  • should be a senior academic with an appropriate research track record in the field of pathology.


The research project support provided will be a maximum of £50,000 per annum for 2 years, to be used flexibly by the applicant to cover the costs of a research technician or research assistant, together with the remainder being available for use as research consumable costs. The Society will normally withdraw funding if the award is not acknowledged and started within 12 months of the offer. First year reports (500 words) and final year structured reports (1000 words; background, aims, results, conclusions) must be sent to the Deputy Administrator within 3 months of completion of the first and second years of the award. Failure to provide a report will preclude future support in this and other schemes run by the Society. If a strong case based on significant success in the first two years can be made then the Society may consider an application for extension to a third year of funding (in competition with others applying for this award for the first time). 

Under certain circumstances, applications for the JSPS Clinical Lecturer Support grant may be considered when made by academic trainee histopathologists who already have a CCT but wish to build a career in academic pathology by application for an intermediate research fellowship from elsewhere. Similarly, applications for the JSPS Clinical Lecturer Support grant may be considered when made by academic trainee histopathologists who carried out a PhD many years previously during their medical studies (such as an intercalated MB-PhD course). 

The scientific and/or medical data derived from this award should be published in primary peer-reviewed journals. Such publications or any related presentations at meetings by the recipients emanating in part or whole from the Society’s sponsorship should be duly acknowledged and copies sent to the Society’s Deputy Administrator. 

All recipients of JSPS funded schemes are required to attend a national JSPS research scheme progress review meeting and take part in appropriate public relations activities. 

The Society will normally withdraw funding if the grant is not acknowledged and accepted within 12 months of the offer. 

Applications are reviewed by the Research Subcommittee of the Pathological Society using a review process that includes JSF nominees and external referees. Applicants will be advised of a decision as soon as practicable after the deadline date. 

Application forms can be completed on and / or uploaded to the Society’s website: 

Please note: The Pathological Society is a registered charity which is not in a position to provide full economic costs or overheads with regard to any funds awarded.
